Summer Bucket List 2018
Check us out! Fun fact: we take our own pictures with a self timer because we both get so embarrassed in front of the camera! This ensures we can be more candid and not look too awkward in our photos hehe! Do you guys like seeing pictures of us or is it too much?
Where we feel the most comfortable, nature! Jen being a cutie!
Tyler looking sooooooo good! How handsome is he? :)
And Ruca, being Ruca! This is the only place we can let Ruca be off leash and he won't run away to Canada haha. Don't know why, but he'll stay within this campground and roam and still come back to us! (We rescued Ruca a year ago and there were some things he wasn't trained to do as a puppy, but we have been working with him diligently and he is learning. We will be sharing more about him on his birthday next week and all the things we love about him!)
Happy Thursday all!
Sorry that we have been MIA, we have taken the last two weeks to be together, rejoice that the semester is over, and go swimming/hiking/climbing all the time!
We now feel rejuvenated and can’t wait to share with y’all the projects we have been working on!
This whole week we have been so excited as Friday has gotten closer and closer!
It’s one of our favorite days, especially because we LOVE date night and spending time together as a couple.
Thinking about date night got us thinking of our summer bucket list and what we want to do this summer as a little family with our doggie!
Summer is the perfect time to spend time with friends, family, and children.
The sun stays out so much later, the weather is enjoyable, and the feeling of summer (freedom!) is in the air!
If you are like us then you romanticize summer! But at the end of the day, is it truly romanticizing if it’s reality? :)
Summer for us is rejuvenating and epic, a time to do all the things that you couldn’t do in the winter and a time to be outside.
So as a little family, Tyler and I created our yearly Summer Bucket List.
But instead of keeping it to ourselves, we wanted to share it with you all and perhaps you might gain some fun ideas to do this summer!
Don't forget to take pictures of your adventures this summer! We will be doing it too as we cross off activities from our bucket list. Can't wait to see your guys' memories and adventures!
These are some fun and simple ideas that make summer even more enjoyable!
You can download your free printable HERE!
Print it, frame it, and start checking off the things that you do this summer!
This is perfect for families, newlyweds, and anyone at college for the summer.
Let us know what other ideas are in your Summer Bucket List! We’d love to add them to ours!
And as an added bonus, we want you guys to take a picture of every activity you accomplish this summer! We will be doing the same so at the end of the summer we can print out all of our pictures and make a photobook!
Join us and check off some fun activities off your bucket list, make memories, and have pictures to put together a little photobook.
We make our photobooks on Chatbooks for as little as $10, we will make another blog post showing you guys how easy it is to use their website and how simple it is to order a book from them. Most of us take a lot of pictures but never print them out, making a photobook is a unique way to keep your memories alive and a part of your life!
We hope you all enjoy this great day and remember … it’s almost the weekend!