Video Update - Episode 2

Video Update - Episode 2

Why hello there!

Here we are with Episode 2 of our Video Updates!
I wish I could say there is a ton of home renovation footage, but alas there is not hehe.
I have been in a little bit of a weird state lately and my creativity won over my desire to show you our home remodels.

That’s not to say you won’t see more remodel videos, you will! (Already working on it for next week :))

Ty and I have had an interesting couple of months to say the least.
My parents were gracious enough to let us stay with them as we finished up our home, but if you know me then you know what it’s like to live with me! Haha!

Living out of our suitcases, invading other’s spaces, and ultimately feeling as if things would never look up, I became more and more anxious.
Hence you have not seen a lot from us. From balancing work, remodels, and never-ending tasks, it felt as if we were in auto pilot. It’s not a great feeling!
The whole time my desire to create and share grew.

Ideas for our blog, our videos, and my photography came pouring in these last few months! (And have continued to come!)
So even though it has been hard, Tyler and I have learned so much about ourselves and feel that this pushed us miles outside our comfort zone, something we will forever be grateful for!

I hope you guys enjoy this video.
It might not make any sense… and I am okay with that!

These last couple of months have felt like a blur and I have battled with this idea of technology.
The voice you hear in this video is our angel Matty Healy, may his words impact you as they do me.
I constantly wonder what I should capture with my phone and what I should capture solely with my heart/soul.

Does that make any sense? If it does to you, we should talk, because this topic fascinates me!

I try my best to balance what I capture with my phone (camera, mic, film, etc), but the creative in me sees beauty (this doesn’t always mean something “beautiful”, beauty is different for everyone and is found all around us. Again, such an amazing topic!) in everything.

Is it bad to want to share with the world the things that send shivers down my spine, make me cry unconsolably, and that leave me speechless? Or those moments that inspire me so fully I feel complete?

Here is a list of feelings I wish I could capture in a bottle and send it to all of you:

  • when you hear that song you’ve heard a million times, but somehow every time it sounds new and the warmth in your heart engulfs you

  • that special time of summer’s night when you roll down your car window and the wind hugs you and you see clearly for the first time

  • looking into the depth of the person you are madly in love with and finally understanding why it is you do

  • feeling so small surrounded by nature and matching your breathing to the trees, the flowers, and the wind

  • wondering why you are so lucky to be surrounded by the people you are, what you did to deserve them

  • the pain that comes with knowing you could be better

  • the tears that come when you realize how much of your life has been lived

  • the undeniable sorrow that comes with watching a loved one suffer and feeling as if you can’t do anything

  • the questions that come late at night when your brain is no longer distracted

I could go on and on.
These feelings live inside of me and encompass me daily.
Granted, I think a lot (some might say overthink) and I constantly fear losing time and opportunities.

If you made it to the end of my rant, I appreciate you.
And I hope we can talk and I can visit you and let you know how much you mean to me.
I also hope you let me photograph your families, life, and experiences. I will soon be posting new prices for my photography. I am headed down a much more raw, emotional, and personal route, and I could not be more excited!

You are all amazing!

Watch our video below!

Quick Hello

Quick Hello

Video Update - Episode I

Video Update - Episode I