Saying Goodbye to Autumn
Slowly started sneaking in reds, greens, and gold, but couldn’t say goodbye to my November decor just yet!
Autumn is my favorite time of year and this year it also proved to be the most busy!
So before I knew it, snow was falling, stores were filled with Christmas decorations and it wasn’t even Thanksgiving yet!
So this year I kept my Autumn decor up a little longer and started adding some Christmas reds and greens instead of taking down all of the warmth that comes with Autumn.
I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but the crisp air, the sweaters, the crunchy leaves, the rain, and the apple cider all bring warmth to my heart!
I have always loved this season and it was especially hard to say goodbye to it again.
Here are some pictures I took of our living room a few weeks ago and wish time could go back!
Do you have a favorite season or a time of year that makes you especially happy?
I get asked where I buy my decorations and furniture, and truth be told, 80% of the things in our home are from thrift stores or vintage stores :)
This message in a bottle is SUPER special to us because we set this out at our wedding reception and asked our guests to give us advice or write us a little something. I read through these a lot and they always make me cry!
Thrifted this cutie for $2.99!
I will give $100 to the person who can tell me what show I was watching when I was taking these pictures!
Also how would everyone feel if I painted the rectangle on my mantle with chalkboard paint???