California Trip 2018
Hey all!
We put together a little video and some images from our California trip!
We love visiting California and can’t believe we’re already home!
Our images are from an afternoon we spent in San Pedro.
My (Jen’s) family always visits San Pedro when we are in California and we love it!
We always eat seafood at the Crusty Crab, walk the pier, and enjoy the ocean air!
We couldn’t wait to get Tyler at the restaurant and eat some amazing seafood!
Our video is a compilation of some footage we got at Victoria Beach and Santa Monica Beach.
We absolutely love the water and we could have spent days at the beach!
Warm sand, rosy cheeks, mango juice all over our hands and faces, and that salty wind blowing through our hair.
Makes us want to go right back!
Some other amazing highlights:
Showing my mom and sister where Tyler and I served our LDS Missions
Eating tacos, enchiladas, sopes, and taquitos every day!
Spending time with some of my favorite people in the world: Cecilia, Jorge, Priscilla, and now Alex and Jay! They are amazing, kind, loving, and hilarious!
Watching Sicario 2, it’s amazing everyone, watch it!
Tyler took me out to dinner at Echo Park (The Park Restaurant - amazing food!) for an early birthday dinner and it was amazing!
Laughing so hard because the hotel Tyler chose for us to stay in was falling apart!
Also laughing so hard because Tyler kept farting SO loudly and SO much!
California sunsets
Shopping at Daiso; an amazing Japanese store where everything is $1.50 and they have the coolest stuff!
I could go on and on because my heart is so full from the wonderful time we had!
The last thing I want to share is a little story, something that meant a lot to me!
As you may or may not know, my dad has cancer and he recently started another round of chemotherapy.
As we had been preparing for this trip months in advance, my dad really wanted to come and he was getting ready for it.
A week before we left for California he met with his doctors and they advised him to not go on our vacation because his numbers were not looking too well.
So sadly we knew Edgar wouldn’t be able to come on our trip.
While we were in California Kimmi (my sis), Tyler, and I kept texting him and jokingly asking, “When are you coming?” or “Are you on your way yet, the water feels great!”
One night while we were sleeping, around midnight, Tyler shakes me and wakes me up (sidenote: he was in on the whole operation haha!) and says that someone is knocking on the door trying to get in and that he is going to see who it is.
Half asleep, I try to stop him, fearful of our lives!! Haha.
And it’s my dad!
The next day, he shared this story with me and Ty as he held back tears.
When he was a little boy, he used to ride his bike around his neighborhood looking for his dad’s car (his dad left his family when he was young).
As soon as he would see his dad’s car he would ride so fast behind it and always expect it to turn into his home.
It never did and he was always disillusioned.
He told me and Tyler that he never wanted us to feel that way, that we were waiting for Dad and that he never came.
And even though my dad had a legitimate excuse for not coming, I am grateful that he did and that he taught us such a valuable lesson.
I know that we can’t change the past but I love that my dad is changing the present and future by being here and loving us.
Enjoy our pictures and short video of us getting owned by waves hehe ;)
My beautiful mother!
Ty's cute smirk haha. He almost didn't post this one, but I think he looks soooo cute!
If you know, you know.
Pretty sure Ty just farted as I took their picture, they are both looking at where he is sitting haha!